Welcome to our hp to kW and Kw to hp converter.
Prefix or symbol for horsepower is: hp
Prefix or symbol for kilowatt is: kW
kW to Hp Conversion :
Convert kilowatts to horsepower (kW to hp), please type the kilowatts value, select the precision value and press the convert button below. You can enter an integer or a decimal kW value.
After the kW conversion completed, the horsepower value displayed below with kilowatts and hp values.
Hp to kw Conversion :
Convert horsepower to kilowatts (kW to hp), please type the horsepower value, select the precision value and press the convert button below. You can enter an integer or a decimal hp value.
After the hp conversion completed, the horsepower value displayed below with kilowatts and hp values.
App Feauters:
> Mechanic / Hydraulic horsepower to kilowatts.
> Electrical horsepower to kilowatts.
> Metric horsepower to kilowatts.
> kilowatts to Horsepower.
Terms and conditions :
App calculates the value as per the mathematical formulas. It does not guarantee the actual result.
Disclaimer : This application should be used as an estimating tool only. Application is not responsible for any discrepancies on calculations.